Monday, August 16, 2010


David started Kindergarten today. He is going to one of the best schools in the county. It is actually a magnet school that focuses on Arts and Communication. Not quite sure what that means for kindergartners but I hope he gets introduced to instruments a little earlier than normal. I am excited to see how well he does in the more structured environment and also for the first parent-teacher conference (where I hope to learn how he does in a school environment and where he stands compared to his peers). David has been very excited about kindergarten and I can't wait to hear him talk all about it this afternoon.

David with his book bag! Good first day of Kindergarten shot.

David taking off running to school!

David and Mommy before we walked to school. I LOVE that we live so close to school that we can walk in the mornings.

David sitting at his "desk" in his classroom.

Just another shot of him in his classroom. He had just picked out his lunch for the day (turkey sandwich). He is going to eat in the cafeteria every day because it is super cheap and because mom is tired of making lunches every day (like I had to for preschool).

1 comment:

mischa and saul said...

we miss him so much!!! i can't believe he is kindergarten!